A safe and secure learning environment is maintained within an atmosphere of love and acceptance.
We seek to provide a Christian atmosphere in which children’s growth takes place. A celebration
of Bible stories, music and holidays of the Christian community are shared with the children. Staff members of Good Shepherd Christian Day Care are dedicated to the care and development of the children. All staff members meet the qualifications set forth by the State New Jersey, Department of Children and families, DCF (formerly DYFS)
Good Shepherd Christian Day Care is a non-profit organization sponsored by the Good Shepherd
Lutheran Church. There is a Good Shepherd Ministry Team which includes the Day Care Director,
members of the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and parents of currently and/or formerly enrolled
Our Kindergarten Before and after care Program provides an enriching environment where
children can relax after school, have a snack, play informal games and receive homework assistance.
Many activities are provided such as; arts & crafts projects, cooking and special events.
Equal Opportunity Policy
Good Shepherd Christian Day Care advertises for children in the public media in order to make openings known to all. Children are admitted regardless of race, creed, color, gender national origin, ethnic background or religion.
Registration is operated on a first-come/first-serve basis. A non-refundable registration fee of $70.00 is required for all children. This includes a fob for our security system (additional fobs may be purchased at $12.00 per fob). A waiting list will be established once all available places are filled.
Days and Hours of Operation
The Day Care is in operation twelve (12) months of the year, Monday through Friday, from 7:30am to 5:30pm. Holidays are special times for celebration and recreation for families.
Because of the importance of these times for students, parents and staff members, the Day Care is closed on the following days:
Good Friday
Memorial Day
July 4th (including Monday the 3rd or Friday the 5th, if applicable)
The last week of August
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday
The week between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day
A yearly calendar is included in the Welcome Packet. Parents will be informed is any other closings become necessary.
Weather Emergence: Snow Policy
In the event of a major snowstorm, or other inclement weather, we will follow the Somerville School system closing and delayed opening decisions. Please check your email and Procare as any updates will be posted there.
A Security Deposit
A security deposit equaling one month’s tuition is due in advance. The security deposit will be applied to the last month of your child’s enrollment, provided a month’s notice has been given. If tuition for the last month of attendance exceeds the security deposit, the balance is due on the first of the month in question. The tuition is due on the first of every month.
Late Pick-Up:
The Day care closes promptly at 5:30pm. A late fee will be charged for a parent or authorized person picking up and leaving the building after that time. The fee will be $10.00 for the first 15 minutes or any part of, and $10.00 for each additional 5 minutes after that. This fee is expected to be paid no later than drop off the following day.
If a child has not been picked up at closing and the Day Care has not been notified of other arrangements, every attempt to contact the parents or other authorized persons will be made. However, if by 6:00pm, the services (DCF) 24-hour Child Abuse Hot Line will be called to seek assistance in caring for the child until the parent(s) can be reached.
A registration link is emailed out after you fill out an interested in our program form (located on Contact us Page), reviewed by the director, and availability is confirmed.